Cara 5Q with Claire

Get to know the newest members of the Cara Staff in 5 questions.
Claire Roehri
Marketing Associate
Tell us about where you worked or what you studied before coming to Cara.
I graduated from Creighton University in May 2018 after an incredible four years full of community, new experiences and a lot of learning in Omaha, Nebraska. Though I loved Omaha, I knew I wanted to come back to the Chicago area where I grew up. I didn’t have a job coming out of school, and it took a long time to find a role with a company willing to hire me as a new graduate. Luckily, I landed at CDW and gained valuable experience in the corporate world making regular updates to their website. I will be forever grateful that everyone at CDW, especially my manager, was beyond supportive when I told them about making the move to Cara.
Why are you excited to join the Cara family?
When I tell people about Cara – our community, mission, and my role as the Marketing Associate – friends and family are always excited because it is such a “Claire” place to work. Little do they know that this is the highest compliment because of all that Cara represents. To secretly (okay maybe not so secretly) want everyone to ask me about where I work and what I do speaks to just how much I am proud to work here. I am surrounded by brilliant, compassionate, and driven people – participants and staff alike. I am excited to join the Cara family for the strong friendships, professional development (Go Mark and the Development Team!), and my own personal growth. I will undoubtedly live up to my full potential because I work here at Cara.
Tell us about when you went in the Motivations circle for the first time. What was the question and how did you answer?
I LOVE the Motivations circle. I have been in it five times already! Giving a TED Talk is on my bucket list, so bring on that panicking nervous rush I feel right before jumping into the circle. The first time I spoke at Motivations, before I even answered the question, the community cheered me on as if I scored a winning touchdown of a championship football game. I hadn’t even said anything yet! Feeling welcomed and on top of the world, I answered the question, “What sacrifices are you truly willing to make in order to achieve real and lasting success?” I spoke about how I will sacrifice time in order to learn a new skill and feel prepared to achieve my goals. Additionally, I will sacrifice staying in my comfort zone all of the time, so that I can keep growing. And with that, I ended with a spirited rendition of “We Are the Champions”. I never imagined being in high school choir would prove to be useful in my professional career.
What is the best experience you have ever had?
The best experience I have ever had was when I decided to pursue an international internship with Sari Bari, a social business in Kolkata, India, that provides women with a path to freedom from the sex trade through holistic economic opportunity. I had never traveled outside of the United States before, so living and learning in Kolkata was hard but very rewarding. I joke that I was the “entertainment” at Sari Bari because I didn’t know any Bengali, but I would come in every day and pronounce the few words I learned (I probably never pronounced anything completely right!) with a lot of enthusiasm and a big smile on my face. I will never forget the joy of being surrounded by talented women artisans making beautiful products out of recycled saris. For a few months, I joined a strong, compassionate community of women at Sari Bari, and it was one of the greatest experiences of my life.
What is your favorite food or restaurant?
Guacamole without a doubt.
My mom makes the best guacamole. The recipe is from her cooking idol, Ina Garten, but I still give my mom the credit. It is kind of healthy because of the avocados, right? RIGHT?!
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