See how Cara Collective is making
an impact year after year

Performance Updates & Reports

We publish our results to the public so that we are transparent about our outcomes and are held accountable for meeting our mission. Unless otherwise noted, the reporting period for the numbers called out throughout our website, including this page, reflect summative data from the previous fiscal year (July 1 to June 30).

Total jobs in FY23
One-year retention for permanent & long-term placements

Average wage earned

Average participant age
2023 Annual Report
Cara Collective Performance Update, FY22 Final
Cleanslate Performance Update, FY22
Cara Social Return on Investment (SROI)

Financial Audits & Statements

In compliance with good governance and in the spirit of transparency, below please find our most recent audited financials and tax filings, as well as our social return on investment.

Total operating budget
Operating revenue from our social enterprises
Expenses attributed to programs

SROI for every $1 invested
Financial Audit, FY23
Form 990, 2022
Financial Audit, FY22
Form 990, 2021
Financial Audit, FY21
Form 990, 2020

Our Impact

See how Cara Collective measures success and sees the social return on investment by the purpose-driven work we do every day.


Get Involved


Please consider a gift to this mission, and help bring people back to hope, jobs, and opportunity.

More Ways to Give

Discover more ways to support our mission and help set our Cara participants up for success.

Contact Us

Have a question or want to learn more about Cara Collective? We’ll help point you in the right direction.