Conversations with Cara

    Wednesday, October 2
    12 – 1 pm CT

Our Next Topic: Investing in the Workforce

In recognition of National Workforce Development Month, we will dive into how employers can pull one of the most powerful levers for economic and social change: supporting and advancing their frontline workers. Our panelists will share the “why” and the “how” behind meeting the needs of historically untapped talent, whether that be job seekers impacted by the justice system or those who have faced systemic barriers and the effects of poverty.


Wednesday, October 2


12 – 1 PM CT



Our Panel

Liana Bran

Director of Expansion Strategy
Cara Plus

Bridgett Beene, MBA

Manager, Workforce Development
Advocate Health

Marisela Williams

Human Resources Director
Freedman Seating Company

Join the Conversation

This is a free, virtual conversation, but we request you RSVP in advance.

Previous Virtual Conversations

The Intersection of Education and Workforce Development

As the workforce continues to evolve, so must the ways we prepare current and future generations of workers. We were joined by civic and philanthropic leaders to explore how education and workforce development institutions are working together to build more inclusive pathways to gainful employment.

Building Economic Vibrancy Across the Latine Community

In honor of National Hispanic Heritage Month, we were joined by a panel of civic and philanthropic leaders to discuss the role policy plays in creating equity, and how we are addressing and removing the barriers faced in the pursuit of meaningful employment opportunities.

Writing My Legacy

In honor of Black History Month, Kathleen St. Louis Caliento, Suzet McKinney, and Nicole Robinson take part in a discussion on creating change, inspiring others, and building a legacy.

Appetite for Hope

Because gainful employment and food security go hand in hand, Kathleen St. Louis Caliento and Kellie O’Connell, CEO of Nourishing Hope, discuss the barriers to food and job access and our collective hunger for a poverty-free Chicago.

Beyond the Shecession

In celebration of Women’s History Month, Kathleen St. Louis Caliento and Felicia Davis Blakley reflect on this moment in history and its impact on women in the workforce.

Finding My Voice

In celebration of Black History Month, Kathleen St. Louis Caliento and Dominique Jordan Turner discuss how they found their voices as Black women, impactful leaders, devoted mothers, and so much more.