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Jermaine builds his new beginning with Cleanslate

Jermaine was struggling to raise his five kids as an unemployed, single father. He had no prior work experience, coupled with a criminal background, which became major barriers in his job search. He had big goals for himself and knew his potential, but needed help getting started.

“I didn’t know where to turn. I never could find any real work and wouldn’t know if I could have enough money to buy anything to simply survive.” 

One day, a close friend of his mentioned Cleanslate to him, and the transitional job opportunities available to people with a criminal background. They provide a second chance, and a way to get your life back on track. He saw Cleanslate not only as a way to discover a newfound purpose, but also to provide for his family with the basic necessities they were lacking. Jermaine turned in his paperwork and began working at Cleanslate the very next day.

“This was my first job. And it totally changed my life. It changed my way of thinking and the way I acted. It gave me the opportunity to be a productive man. It made me think there’s better things in life than what I would get up to in the streets. There is now so much energy and love in my life.”

Jermaine credits his children for keeping him on his professional journey, and thanks Cleanslate for inspiring his family’s growth. Having a steady paycheck gives him fulfillment, especially since he now has extra money to provide for his children. He cherishes the community at Cleanslate, and their willingness to offer transitional jobs to those who would otherwise struggle to find work.

“It’s really hard to find a job out here on your own, and to work again especially if you’re considered a felon. The people at Cleanslate care about you enough to help you work towards finding a permanent job. Something that will bring fulfillment and pays well. Cleanslate sees a person for who they are, and that they are deserving of a second chance.”

Joining the Cara community has inspired and strengthened Jermaine to explore potentially opening up his own business in the future. He’s found motivation to want more in life.

“Now I feel like I can really keep moving forward, because I got someone in my corner to help me.” 

Please consider supporting more job seekers like Jermaine. From now until the end of June, your donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar thanks to a generous $15,000 match from a member of our Cara community. Double your impact by giving a gift at www.caracollective.org/give.