Meet Linda

She’s transforming her life at Cara, thanks to your support.
What was your life like before Cara?
I’m a mother of three children. When i was pregnant, their father passed away and I was just lost. I was struggling to raise my children. On my oldest daughter’s 14th birthday, the DCFS came and interviewed us and she said, “I’m so sorry, I’m going to take your children away.”
How would you describe yourself then?
I lived for my childen but I had zero discipline in my life. Zero structure. I knew I had to change my behavior. I needed help but I didn’t know where to turn.
Do you remember your first impression of Cara?
A friend of mine went through Cara. At the time, she was homeless, but now she works at a hospital and is doing so well. She insisted I check it out. I took a tour of Cara and thought “This is exactly what I need!”
Describe an important lesson learned at Cara.
I was expecting another job training program. But instead, I got a whole new family. This isn’t just about a job to me. I’m trying to change my life.
If you could go back in time and give past Linda a word of advice before his first day at Cara, what would that be?
Just know that you’re truly worthy of the best that life has to offer.
What is your dream job?
My dream job is motherhood…and I’m getting it thanks to Cara’s help.
Describe yourself now.
I look more positively now. It feels so relieving to know that I am worthy. This will work out really well if I put my best effort forward.
What motivates you?
My children and the fact that everything I do is for them.
Your #GivingTuesday donation guarantees Cara participants like Linda are transforming their lives. Won’t you help her reach her goal of reuniting her family? Click here to donate. Any amount makes a difference!