Chief Operating Officer
Lauren Feldman

Lauren Feldman joined Cara Collective in 2023. Previously, her work focused primarily in the education sector. Most recently, she served as Director of Strategy for Chicago Public Schools, leading critical cross-functional strategic projects for the district before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. She was also responsible for leading Breakthrough Results business for District Management Group, helping school districts across the country to achieve outstanding academic and operational results for students. Lauren served as a consultant and Engagement Manager with McKinsey & Co’s Chicago Office for nearly five years, leading the global Curriculum & Instruction team for Generation, You Employed, a global non-profit started by McKinsey & Co. to support 18 to 29-year-olds to obtain their first career-launching job. Prior to moving to Chicago, she served as a Math and Life Skills teacher in South Louisiana, teaching students ages 16 to 21 years old through Teach For America. Lauren earned an MBA from Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management and a BS from Cornell University in Industrial Labor Relations.
Lauren’s first job: “I was a lifeguard at an indoor community pool during the boys’ swim team practice.”
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