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Bryant Transforms His Life at Freedman Seating Company

“Growing up, I was influenced by what was going on around me instead of what was going on with me. I wasn’t living up to my true potential; I wasn’t the son my mother and father raised me to be because I chose a life of the streets.

That’s when I started drinking heavily. After a while I knew I had to get a hold of myself, but I didn’t understand that I had a problem with alcohol. I was getting good jobs, but I couldn’t keep them. I always refused to go to work after I had been drinking, so I would just stop showing up.

I knew that I had to change because my kids loved me but couldn’t depend on me anymore. I didn’t want to keep drinking because I was making bad decisions.

I didn’t change until I was arrested a couple years ago. Instead of sending me to jail, the drug court sent me to the (W)RAP Program, where Judge Burns told me they were going to get me help. I spent the next seven months in recovery, taking notes and listening to everything. I knew I couldn’t live like this anymore.

In August 2023, Judge Burns introduced me to Cara. I learned so much every day. The mirror exercise made me realize I was letting stigmas and what other people said about me affect how I saw myself.

Mr. Jesse taught me to  keep working towards what I wanted to achieve in life. So I started work on a Cleanslate crew, where I enjoyed taking care of the neighborhoods. It was something I could add to my resume too.

I also worked with Cara to get an apartment. Through the SPRING Forward program, my coach Kimberly and I applied for housing on a Monday, and by Thursday I got a call about getting the paperwork started.

It was the best feeling to get the keys to my apartment. I had never signed my name on a lease before. I had saved some money from working at Cleanslate, so I bought some pots and pans, an air mattress, and a TV.

Then Cara introduced me to the Freedman Seating Company. In the interview, they didn’t ask about my past or my involvement with the justice system. I was able to tell them what I would bring to the table: I would show up and work hard. They offered me a job.

When I got to Freedman Seating Company, I felt so welcomed. I was hired to help make the seats for trains and buses. My team was great and supportive.

I was motivated and took the time to learn things outside my job responsibilities. I grew my confidence by learning how to do pretty much everything in my department. I’ve been teaching some of the new hires too.

Soon, I’ll be celebrating my first anniversary with the company and making it onto Cara’s Great Wall. I finally have a clear understanding of who I am and how to stay focused.

I’m proud that my family doesn’t need to worry about me anymore. My kids know they can depend on me, and my brothers and sisters are proud of me.

If I could give a piece of advice to myself a year ago, it would be to listen, learn, and do the work. Trust that as long as you are doing the right things, it will all work out.”

If your company is interested in developing or expanding its fair chance hiring practices, learn about our Fair Chance Hiring Cohort.

If you are an employer looking for talent, reach out to us about becoming one of our employment partners. Contact Tim Loeffler at tloeffler@carachciago.org.