We partner with you to help our
    community get back to work

We are in this together.

We align with social service and government agencies, local shelters, and community organizations across the nation to ready talent for the workforce. Together, we are growing and amplifying our shared mission, and creating real and lasting success for those we have the privilege to serve.


Do you have individuals who are motivated and fired-up to find gainful employment? Our recruitment team will ensure candidates find the best fit for their skills and needs.


We share our methodology and learnings from 30 years in this space to help organizations around the country create and grow sustainable workforce solutions.


We are building a collective of workforce development organizations to share resources and grow from each other’s best practices and best failures.

How we work together

We have several ways to partner with us to better serve our communities and grow our workforce solutions together.

Refer Talent

We partner with a variety of social service and government agencies, local shelters, and community organizations to source talent for our job readiness and job placement programs.


  • “Cara is the gold standard of community organizations that come alongside the job candidate, meet their individual needs, place them in transitional employment, and then transition them to meaningful jobs. ”
    – Genevieve Martin, Executive Director, Dave’s Killer Bread Foundation

Our Partners

Refer Someone to Cara

If you know someone ready to get back to work,
we’re here to help you.