Kathleen St. Louis Caliento named to Giannoulias transition team

Illinois Secretary of State-elect Alexi Giannoulias has announced his transition team, including the creation of nine policy committees charged with translating his campaign’s vision into actionable plans for his administration.
The transition committees comprise a total of 125 members representing diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise from across Illinois. Committees include: Driver Facilities and Road Safety; Ethics and Office Policies; Library Enhancements; Securities Division Policies; Voter Rights and Registration; Business Services; Technology Enhancements; Environmental Initiatives; and Organ & Tissue Donations.
Cara Collective President & CEO Kathleen St. Louis Caliento has been formally named to the Technology Enhancements committee. This appointment further deepens Cara Collective’s long partnership with Giannoulias, whose support includes service as a former member of the Board of Directors and co-chair of the annual Cara Gala for a number of years.
“It is an honor to be named to this dynamic group of civic and business leaders. Alexi’s campaign mirrored the values of Cara Collective as it centered around increasing access to critical services and resources, and removing the barriers that so many Illinoisans face personally and professionally,” said Caliento. “I promise to use this opportunity to ensure the needs and voices of our job seeker community are uplifted and inform the decisions we present in January.”

“We’ve assembled a talented group of individuals who are volunteering and investing their time and expertise so we’re ready to tackle important challenges and make government work better for Illinoisians,” said Giannoulias, in the announcement on his site. “This team, which includes a vast array of private and public-sector experience, is charged with producing action-oriented solutions and deliverables starting on Day One.”
The committees began holding virtual meetings earlier this month with a Transition Report due to be presented in early January ahead of the inauguration. A full list of committees, including chairs, can be viewed at Giannoulias’ transition website, www.revupillinois.com.