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Maria Knows the Sky is the Limit

“It had been months since I left my old job, so I really needed employment. When I got the call from Advocate, I was so excited to join their team as an Environmental Services Technician. 

Ramien, my Success Coach, introduced himself on day one. He was there if I needed help with anything in my new role or with life in general, but I’m not the kind of person who asks for help. However, even though I was hesitant, I had questions and needed assistance.

I had never worked in a hospital before — let alone in the ER where I’d be keeping the rooms clean and safe. 

Plus, I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to afford or secure transportation in the short-term, so I wouldn’t be able to get to work. But Ramien and Advocate were there for me.

They provided some Lyft rides and then 30-day bus passes. If I didn’t get that initial assistance with transportation, in addition to Ramien’s guidance throughout my first 90 days, I don’t know where I would be right now. 

I make a difference in people’s lives.

It’s important for patients to have a sanitary examination room and for them to be comfortable and confident that they’re getting the care they deserve.

I look back at my previous jobs, and I was never offered the opportunity that Advocate has offered me, especially with the Teammate Success Coaching Program, which ensures I have what I need to keep my employment. I’ve learned so much and am proud of the work I do every day.

 I see so many opportunities for advancement, and I know the sky’s the limit.” 

Through their Teammate Success Coaching Program, Advocate Health Care eliminates barriers that prevent frontline workers from staying and succeeding on the job. After launching the program in 2022, Advocate saw an immediate shift in their six-month retention rate: teammates who received success coaching and resource support were 75% more likely to still be employed. Learn their best practices for retaining frontline employees in our Advocate Health Care case study.