Meet Asharra

She’s transforming her life at Cara, thanks to your support.
What was your life like before Cara?
I had never had full-time employment. I had no stability in my life and I knew I needed it for the sake of my children.
How would you describe yourself then?
Down, depressed, and miserable. Absolutely miserable.
How did you first hear of Cara?
A friend told me about Cara. I did some research online and saw a lot of potential for what I needed, but I had no idea of all the extra things I would get out of it – the support system, the clothes, the bus pass, building my professional appearance…
What surprised you the most your first few weeks at Cara?
I didn’t know there would be such a support system here. I never imagined I would become great friends with the people helping me and going through it with me. Cara showed me I wasn’t alone.
Describe an important lesson learned at Cara.
If you work with someone else with a positive attitude then you will do just fine having a reminder that there’s greatness out there. You can’t focus on the negative things. It really shifts your mind.
What was it like the first day you put on professional attire to come to Cara?
I felt like I had a purpose. Now, it’s a reminder to be professional every day. Wearing a blazer gives me such a different feeling from other clothes. I’ll wear my blazer even to church now.
If you could go back to your first day of Cara and give yourself any piece of advice, what would it be?
I’d tell myself to take this all the way through because I found a whole support group here. At Cara, I get to connect with people and motivate others every day. That motivates me!
What’s your go-to song for the Motivations circle?
“This Little Light of Mine,” because it reminds me no matter where I’m at in life, no matter how depressed I can get, there’s always going to be a light in me that i just need to find to feel better.
Describe yourself now.
Dedicated, motivated, high-spirited.
Where would you be without Cara?
Probably still lost, down, trying to figure out what to do. Before Cara, I constantly had a mindset of defeat.
What does motivation mean to you?
It means striving to be 100%, giving your best at all costs, and doing whatever it takes to reach your destination.
Asharra is transforming her life. Learn how you can help her unlock her power and purpose by getting back to work.