Meet Donna

She’s transforming her life at Cara, thanks to your support.
What was your life like before Cara?
Three years prior to this, I was incarcerated for a weapons charge. It was a turning point. Once I was released from prison, my parole agent introduced me to Cara. I always heard from girlfriends who went through it that it was a great program.
Do you remember your first impression of Cara?
I was nervous on my first day. It was a new environment, new surroundings. I didn’t know what to expect. But I was all in. I told myself, “I’m here, I’m going to go through this, and I’m going to get something out of this.” That’s what I signed up for. There’s no lock on the door. If I can walk out anytime I want, why not stick around and give it a try?
Describe an important lesson learned at Cara.
I learned I had to change my behavior. I always wanted instant gratification in life, but I learned by having patience, better things will come to me. I just had to change my way of thinking.
Cara requires its participants to wear office attire. How did it feel to look in the mirror the first time you got dressed to come to Cara?
I have always been someone who liked to dress nice, but that first day it felt great because I was no longer in prison attire.
What’s your go-to song for the Motivations circle?
“ABC” by the Jackson Five.
Describe yourself now.
Now I know how to put my mind to something and to stick with it to achieve the goals I am setting for myself each and every day.
What motivates you?
The word “motivation” to me means knowing what you want and going for it. What I like most about Cara is they gave me the opportunity to do that. I now have the ability to go out and get what I want in life.
Donna is transforming her life. Are you ready to get back to work in 2018? Click here to learn how you can become a motivated Cara participant!