Meet Jin

She’s transforming her life at Cara, thanks to your support.
What was your life like before Cara?
Way before Cara, I had a pretty decent life, with a good education, good job, making good money. Then life took an unexpected turn; I was falling, falling, falling without even knowing how deep my descent would be. I lost my job, home, money, reputation, friends, spouse, health – almost everything that I held dear.
How would you describe yourself then?
Despairing, hurt, lost.
Do you remember your first impression of Cara?
My Case Manager referred me to Cara, but I knew nothing about it. I saw people singing and clapping and I immediately knew this wasn’t your typical job-assist program.
Cara teaches the 5 Transformations that we believe a person needs to make to achieve success. What did you need to transform about yourself?
Everything happens for a reason, but for all the tragedies that happened to me, though there were many random factors that I could not control, I myself was partly to blame for what happened. Many of my flaws emerged during the turmoil of that time: I was insecure, selfish, ungrateful. I realized that, without changing myself, whom I can control, I would never rediscover the pathway to a fulfilling life. Society rejects people like me with my background. I used to carry the heavy burden of shame too. But now, knowing the deepest truth of who I really am, I don’t let my bad life experience define me – that is the real freedom that I enjoy today.
Describe an important lesson learned at Cara.
The greatest lesson I have learned so far is that we are all hurt. I am not unique, so there is no reason to feel sorry for myself. I have learned how to pick up the pieces and be whole again.
What was it like the first day you dressed professionally for Cara?
I thought ‘I am back in the game, baby!’
Describe yourself now.
Hopeful, joyful, grateful.
Where would you be without Cara?
Without Cara, I think that I would have withdrawn into myself so deeply that I am not even sure where I would be today. I may not be physically homeless, but I would definitely be homeless in my heart. I have met many wonderful people at Cara, opened myself, feel that I belong to the community. It all helps me to get back on track and helps ease the transition to a normal life.
What does the word ‘motivation’ mean to you?
For me, motivation represents a strong desire to do something rich and meaningful with my life. Only with motivation, can we enjoy the things that we do, always do the best we can for ourselves and others, and strive for the best results that we can achieve.
Jin is transforming her life, but she can’t do it alone. Learn how you can help her unlock her power and purpose by getting back to work.