Heather Ronnow and John Walden Named to Cara Board of Directors

New appointments bring diverse experiences to organization’s leadership
Cara is pleased to formally announced the appointment of Heather Ronnow (Kronos Foods Corp) and John Walden (Inversion, Inc. LLC) to our Board of Directors, effective immediately.
Ronnow is the Chief HR Officer for Kronos Foods, a food innovation and manufacturing company. She approaches organizational health from a holistic perspective, advocating for programs that attend to business and employment practices that work in concert. As the primary liaison between Kronos Foods and Cara, Ronnow has helped spearhead a partnership engrained with a remarkable commitment to creating quality, inclusive employment opportunities for Cara participants.

Heather Ronnow accepts the Good Neighbor Award on behalf of Kronos Foods at Cara’s 2019 Tribute to the Stars.
The former President and Chief Executive Officer of Inversion, Inc., Walden has been at the forefront of multi-channel, consumer-driven retail in the United States and United Kingdom for the past 20-years. Among companies he has led transformational and digital change for include FTD Companies, Inc.; Argos Ltd.; Best Buy Co., Inc.; and Peapod. Early in his career, Walden served in a management role for Cara founder Tom Owens’ firm XL/Datacomp, Inc. He currently serves as Chairman of Naked Wines plc, a high-growth online wine retailer operating in the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia.
John Walden joins the Cara Board of Directors after more than 20 years of leading tranformational and digital change for multi-channel, consumer-driven retail companies.
“We are beyond thrilled to welcome Heather and John to Cara’s Board of Directors,” said Maria Kim, President & CEO of Cara. “Through their varied involvements with Cara throughout the organization’s history, both have shown a passion and commitment to this mission and our participants that is unparalleled. I look forward to working with them as we continue to strengthen this organization, broaden our reach, and deepen our impact.”
This appointment brings Cara’s Board to 22 Directors. Chairman Bill Conroy will continue in his role into the 2020–2021 term. A complete list of Board members can be found here.