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to Spread Cara’s Message  

Meet the Cara Plus Team

As a part of Cara Collective, we believe in the idea of “one band, one sound,” meaning we are at our best and strongest when we work together as a community. Born out of the concepts we consistently saw when evaluating what we do and why we see results, these are the values that keep us grounded and guide us in our decision making as an organization.


Motivation propels. We identify, instill, and hold onto it. Where there is a desire to succeed, there is an opportunity to transform thought into action.


Affirmation reinforces. We celebrate instances of progress, understanding that the journey in the right direction is just as, if not more, important than the final destination.


Community connects. We actively build networks that strengthen us all. If we can get each other, we can serve each other best.


Intentionality aims. We focus on the endgame during planning and design. In doing so, we build roadmaps to real, lasting success and avoid deriving validation from a quick win.


Equity informs. We commit to taking an antiracist approach in all we do. We leverage our individuality and differences as a way of deepening community and expanding opportunity.

Ellen Sauter
Senior Workforce Solutions Specialist
Liana Bran
Director of Expansion Strategy
Mariel Corona
Director of National Workforce Solutions
Molly Verghese
Workplace Solutions Lead