Martha Opening Doors to Opportunity

“Everything changed when my company closed; I was out of a job. When I couldn’t find temporary work, I couldn’t pay rent. I ended up going to Pacific Garden Mission (PGM) because I didn’t have a home. They were the ones who referred me to Cara and Cara Connects.
Cara Connects started helping me right away by sending me on job assignments with The Habitat Company. Since then, I’ve worked at seven Habitat properties. I mostly focus on paperwork and organizing files. It has been great to support them as they shift their filing systems. I stay busy; there’s always a lot of work to do.
Working at The Habitat Company allowed me to save up enough money to move into my own apartment after living in a shelter for a year and seven months. Cara Connects and The Habitat Company helped me find a way out of homelessness.”
Click here for insights from Allen Bosbyshell, Community Manager at The Habitat Company, to learn about his partnership with Cara Connects and their work to create new homes for their residents.
Learn more about how #CaraConnects job seekers to opportunity, businesses to talent, emerging leaders to mentors, and employers to communities. Check back here to celebrate the intertwining stories of some talented employees and leading employers. Let’s get to work!