Alejandra Unlocks Hope and Self-Confidence

“It was difficult getting back into the workforce after taking some time to become a mom. I needed assistance with resume writing, interviewing, and finding an opportunity. But when I came to Cara, I found so much more. I found hope and regained my self-confidence.
When I was a participant beginning my Cara journey, Mr. Jesse and the Cara community showed me that I wasn’t alone. They saw the things inside of me that I couldn’t see. I am so grateful that the Cara community turned me from a caterpillar, living in her cocoon, into a beautiful butterfly; one who shares her talents and potential with the world.”
The team at Cara Connects took my specific needs into consideration and helped me search for the right job opportunities. They made it possible for me to work for a great company while also being a mom to my young daughter. They connected me with the team at HHPLIFT, and I found another family.
At HHPLIFT, we do everything possible to support one another. For example, I had what seemed like a small idea for the “Be a Hero” campaign. When I proposed it, everyone collectively got behind me and the idea. The next thing I knew, we had our president on the phone encouraging us to run with it. I have so much love for this team and could not be more grateful to work here.
I am thankful for Cara and Cara Connects because they continued to check in with me even after I got this amazing job opportunity. They wanted to help me succeed in every aspect of my life. I moved into a new apartment, and Cara helped me get furniture to make it a home. I know Cara means ‘friend’, but I also consider the organization to be an extension of my family.”
Click here for insights from Ava Berry, Director of the 1eleven Program at HHPLIFT, about her partnership with Cara Connects to find innovative leaders for her social business.
Learn more about how #CaraConnects job seekers to opportunity, businesses to talent, emerging leaders to mentors, and employers to communities. Check back here every day from September 6 through September 17 to celebrate the intertwining stories of some talented employees and leading employers. Let’s get to work!