Robert Becoming a Writer

Robert’s Story
“After graduating from college with my bachelor’s degree in theater, I needed work experience and health insurance. I applied for public aid and that’s how I first heard about Cara. I’m so grateful that Cara was recommended to me because it changed my life.
Cara’s four-week Transformations program was wonderful. I received help with my resume and feedback on my interviewing skills. Then, I immediately got to work with Cara Connects on getting much-needed work experience.
I started out at The Habitat Company, developing my customer-service skills, and learning how to use their computer software. When my assignment ended, Cara Connects presented new job opportunities like working with the Cubs during baseball season.
Every job opportunity comes with the encouragement of the Cara Connects staff. They check on me regularly and are there to help if I need it. They support me all of the way.
Today, I work with DirecTech to write articles that promote and market businesses. These articles get turned into digital billboards that can be seen in multiple states. I love the opportunity it provides to improve my writing, develop marketing skills, and play a role in businesses’ success.
My dream for the future is to apply my administrative and marketing experience from DirecTech and all of my Cara Connects assignments to a theater administration position. Cara Connects has even helped me get a few interviews with theaters in Chicago. As I add these new experiences to my resume, I know that I’m one step closer to reaching my goal.”
Click here for insights from Shawna Stevenson, Director of Operations at DirecTech, about her partnership with Cara Connects to find talented writers interested in pursuing digital marketing opportunities.
Learn more about how #CaraConnects job seekers to opportunity, businesses to talent, emerging leaders to mentors, and employers to communities. Check back here every day from September 6 through September 13 to celebrate the intertwining stories of some talented employees and leading employers. Let’s get to work!